Japanese escorts serve devoted to please men.
Some people regard escorts as sex slaves, but it is a big misunderstanding.
They understand what they are doing and work with pride and self esteem.
They can decide their working schedule and can have a day off anytime they want.
There is no penalty to get a day off, and they do not have a quota.
Only when they come to work and do service, they get income.
There is no compensation for absence because of illness, but it is inevitable because the payment for service is higher than regular work.
One of Japanese representing escorts, soapland, often require their escorts to take STD check.
Escorts are cautious about health supervision very much.
One escort gained No.1 in soapland and earned more money than 1 billion yen said "Even if people call my job the lowest work, I would like to provide the highest-level service."
Popular escorts understand well their job is to serve men.
Japanese Escort Girls Club, Japan Kanto Tokyo and Kansai Osaka
Elite Escort You've Never Had Before
[Phone] (+81)3.5793.1515 | [OPEN HRS] 12PM-5AM(GTM +9)
[Nationwide] //japanese-escort-girls.com/concept.php|
[skype] japaneseescortgirlsclub
[Facebook] www.facebook.com/japanese.girls.club
Escort Info
Due to Novel Corona virus (COVID-19) JEGC will temporally change open hours as following
We have decided to change our business hours for the time being, as the situation remains critical to prevent the spread of the infection.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
Temporary business hours from April 5, 2020