I was surprised at Japanese escorts are not sorrowful at all, which is different from escorts in other countries.
Surely, some Japanese escorts work for financial problems, but many Japanese escorts work because they want high-brand bags, traveling, or plastic surgery.
Certainly, some Japanese escorts work unhappily for financial problems. But all Japanese escorts I have seen were working open and happy.
They seemed working for something they want, not for their background. So quite a few escorts were okay when I requested going out and dating together.
I have to pay for the date. But I am willing to pay for a happy time that I can date a girl in Japan that I have no friend.
I heard one escort owner used to work for a stock company. Japanese escorts are safer to enjoy than any countries.
Japanese Escort Girls Club, Japan Kanto Tokyo and Kansai Osaka
Elite Escort You've Never Had Before
[Phone] (+81)3.5793.1515 | [OPEN HRS] 12PM-5AM(GTM +9)
[Nationwide] //japanese-escort-girls.com/concept.php|
[skype] japaneseescortgirlsclub
[Facebook] www.facebook.com/japanese.girls.club
Escort Info
Due to Novel Corona virus (COVID-19) JEGC will temporally change open hours as following
We have decided to change our business hours for the time being, as the situation remains critical to prevent the spread of the infection.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
Temporary business hours from April 5, 2020